Our Story
Build it,
they will come.
The Isle of Jura, in Scotland’s Hebrides, is one of Europe’s last great wildernesses, battered by Atlantic storms, warmed by the Gulf Stream, with 220 people, 6000 deer and one road. Orwell came here to write 1984. Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty came here to burn a million pounds. We came here to reset our lives and made it home.
Repurposing our skills and experience in communication and exploring things that make us feel alive - cold water, foraging, wild fermentation, creating and making, fresh air, hills, caves and waterfalls - we have spent the last eight years reclaiming an acre of bog in the township of Knockrome and building a space for relaxation and for exploration, a place that is now Bothan Jura Retreat.
In 2017, with two small children, we made the decision to put health and time at the forefront of our family. Taking a step away from the corporate world, in search of some calm and stability, and with great enthusiam and blissful ignorance we inadvertently stumbled head first into one of the most stressful and complicated periods of our lives!
We bought an acre of boggy ground with an old ruin, we drained the land, renovated the cottage, built a home for ourselves, designed and built two huts for guests and a communal shed space for retreats. The Universe threw in a pandemic with lockdowns, homeschooling and a monumental hike in price of materials! We built, we made mistakes, we learnt, we made more mistakes, we laughed and cried and we kept going.
Five solid and three mobile structures later and we've done it! With help. A lot of help! We have made many friends along the way, some who have stayed and made Jura their home now too. We can't thank everyone enough, it was a hairy ride at times but we all clung on and we wouldn't change a thing.
We and our two children are privileged to live here among the eagles and seals, the otters and deer and the wonderful community of Jura.
We built it. We hope you will come!